April 11, 2019 City Council Meeting
Items I - III - I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Items I - III
I. Call to OrderII. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Item IV - Employee Recognition
Item IV
Employee Recognition»
Item V - Community Recognition
Item V
Community Recognition»
Item VI - Citizen Comment
Item VI
Citizen Comment»
Item VII - Presentation Items
A. Presentation of a Proclamation commemorating April 11th as Sexual
Assault Awareness and Prevention Day to Women's Center of East Texas
- Mayor Andy Mack.
B. Presentation of a Proclamation commemorating April 11th as Longview
Greggton Rotary PRCA Rodeo Day – Mayor Andy Mack.
C. Presentation of the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report – Adrienne Deason, CPA, Henry and Peters, PC.
Item VII
Presentation ItemsA. Presentation of a Proclamation commemorating April 11th as Sexual
Assault Awareness and Prevention Day to Women's Center of East Texas
- Mayor Andy Mack.
B. Presentation of a Proclamation commemorating April 11th as Longview
Greggton Rotary PRCA Rodeo Day – Mayor Andy Mack.
C. Presentation of the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report – Adrienne Deason, CPA, Henry and Peters, PC.
Item VIII - Public Safety Update
A. Police
B. Fire
Public Safety UpdateA. Police
B. Fire
Consent Agenda - A. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, the City Manager, and/or any other official of the City as shall be necessary to execute any necessary documents supporting the application for and accepting a Cultural District Designation from the Texas Commission on the Arts – Laura Hill, Community Services Director.
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute a Local Administrative Agreement between the City of Longview, Texas and constituent agencies of the Texas Anti-Gang Center, Tyler – Mike Bishop, Police Chief.
C. Consider a Resolution adopting the 2018 Gregg County Hazard Mitigation Plan – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief.
D. Consider a Resolution approving the Longview Fire Department to participate in the 2019 State Homeland Security Program grant funding process to apply for, receive and expend funds of an amount not to exceed $78,000.00 for the purchase of specialized tools and equipment to be used by the department’s Special Operations Team – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief.
E. Consider an Ordinance authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents to acquire real property located at 601 Luckett St., described as Lot 33, NCB 223, Longview McNutt Acreage, City of Longview, Gregg County, Texas, designated as parcel 2019-P-17, for the amount of $47,030.00 for the New Police Station Headquarters location – Rolin McPhee, P.E. Director of Public Works.
F. Consider a Resolution accepting the White Cemetery 500,000 gallon Elevated Storage Tank Painting and authorizing final payment in the amount of $32,293.00 to Utility Services Co., Inc. of Perry, GA – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works.
G. Consider a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to negotiate, finalize, and execute a cooperative purchasing agreement between the City of Longview and the State of Oklahoma or any agency or subdivision thereof and authorizing the purchase of three transit vehicles for Longview Transit pursuant to said cooperative purchasing agreement for an amount not to exceed $158,384.00 using Federal Transit Administration Funds – Scott Lewis, Longview Transit General Manager.
Consent Agenda
A. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, the City Manager, and/or any other official of the City as shall be necessary to execute any necessary documents supporting the application for and accepting a Cultural District Designation from the Texas Commission on the Arts – Laura Hill, Community Services Director.B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute a Local Administrative Agreement between the City of Longview, Texas and constituent agencies of the Texas Anti-Gang Center, Tyler – Mike Bishop, Police Chief.
C. Consider a Resolution adopting the 2018 Gregg County Hazard Mitigation Plan – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief.
D. Consider a Resolution approving the Longview Fire Department to participate in the 2019 State Homeland Security Program grant funding process to apply for, receive and expend funds of an amount not to exceed $78,000.00 for the purchase of specialized tools and equipment to be used by the department’s Special Operations Team – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief.
E. Consider an Ordinance authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents to acquire real property located at 601 Luckett St., described as Lot 33, NCB 223, Longview McNutt Acreage, City of Longview, Gregg County, Texas, designated as parcel 2019-P-17, for the amount of $47,030.00 for the New Police Station Headquarters location – Rolin McPhee, P.E. Director of Public Works.
F. Consider a Resolution accepting the White Cemetery 500,000 gallon Elevated Storage Tank Painting and authorizing final payment in the amount of $32,293.00 to Utility Services Co., Inc. of Perry, GA – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works.
G. Consider a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to negotiate, finalize, and execute a cooperative purchasing agreement between the City of Longview and the State of Oklahoma or any agency or subdivision thereof and authorizing the purchase of three transit vehicles for Longview Transit pursuant to said cooperative purchasing agreement for an amount not to exceed $158,384.00 using Federal Transit Administration Funds – Scott Lewis, Longview Transit General Manager.
Item X A - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z19-03 filed by
Alexander Legacy to rezone approximately 0.771 acres of AB 262 A
Jordan Survey Tract 22-05 Section 2 from Agriculture (A) to Single Family
(SF-4) Zoning District located on the north end of Clayton Street – Angela
Item X A
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z19-03 filed byAlexander Legacy to rezone approximately 0.771 acres of AB 262 A
Jordan Survey Tract 22-05 Section 2 from Agriculture (A) to Single Family
(SF-4) Zoning District located on the north end of Clayton Street – Angela
Item X B - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #S19-01 filed by
Terry Gebhardt requesting a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for indoor
amusement in General Retail(GR) Zoning District for the use of indoor golf
simulators located at 414 W Loop 281, Suite 8 (AB 258 P P Rains Survey
Tract 45 Section 7) – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner. THIS ITEM
Item X B
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #S19-01 filed byTerry Gebhardt requesting a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for indoor
amusement in General Retail(GR) Zoning District for the use of indoor golf
simulators located at 414 W Loop 281, Suite 8 (AB 258 P P Rains Survey
Tract 45 Section 7) – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner. THIS ITEM
Item X C - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider a request filed by Alexander
Legacy, LLC to abandon a portion of a 15 foot utility easement located at
2429 Clayton Street (AB 262 A Jordan Survey Tract 22-05 Section 2) –
Item X C
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider a request filed by AlexanderLegacy, LLC to abandon a portion of a 15 foot utility easement located at
2429 Clayton Street (AB 262 A Jordan Survey Tract 22-05 Section 2) –
Item X D - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider a request filed by Mark
Layne to abandon a portion of a 30 foot wide street right-of-way known as
Cedar Street consisting of approximately 0.200 acres located west of High
Street – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner. THIS ITEM REQUIRES A
Item X D
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider a request filed by MarkLayne to abandon a portion of a 30 foot wide street right-of-way known as
Cedar Street consisting of approximately 0.200 acres located west of High
Street – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner. THIS ITEM REQUIRES A
Item X E - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider a request filed by Mark
Layne to abandon a portion of a 30 foot wide street right-of-way known as
Dixie Street consisting of approximately 1.254 acres located west of High
Street – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner. THIS ITEM REQUIRES A
Item X E
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider a request filed by MarkLayne to abandon a portion of a 30 foot wide street right-of-way known as
Dixie Street consisting of approximately 1.254 acres located west of High
Street – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner. THIS ITEM REQUIRES A
Item X F - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider a request filed by Mark
Layne to abandon a portion of a 30 foot wide street right-of-way known as
East Street consisting of approximately 0.254 acres located west of High
Street – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner. THIS ITEM REQUIRES A
Item X F
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider a request filed by MarkLayne to abandon a portion of a 30 foot wide street right-of-way known as
East Street consisting of approximately 0.254 acres located west of High
Street – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner. THIS ITEM REQUIRES A
Items XI & XII - XI. Items of Community Interest
XII. Adjourn
Items XI & XII
XI. Items of Community InterestXII. Adjourn
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