January 9, 2020 City Council Meeting
Items I - III - I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Items I - III
I. Call to OrderII. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Item IV - Employee Recognition
Item IV
Employee Recognition»
Item V - Community Recognition
Item V
Community Recognition»
Item VII - Public Safety Update
A. Police
B. Fire
Item VII
Public Safety UpdateA. Police
B. Fire
Consent Agenda - A. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager's designee to authorize application, accept and expend
grant funds in an amount not to exceed $11,250.00 from the Texas State
University, Texas School Safety Center for the Longview Police
Department to conduct controlled buy/stings and follow-ups of tobacco
permitted retail outlets and sales and use tax permitted e-cigarette retail
outlets – Mike Bishop, Police Chief.
C. Consider a Resolution accepting the Guthrie Creek Shared Use Path
Utility Relocation Project and authorizing final payment of $48,629.40 to
Wicker Construction, Inc. of Shreveport, Louisiana – Rolin McPhee, P.E.,
Director of Public Works.
D. Consider an Ordinance amending Section 11-45 of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Longview relating to the collection of fees for
emergency ambulance service and amending sections 11-21, 11-43, 11-
75, and 11-77 relating to the regulation of non-emergency ambulance
service – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief.
E. Consider a Resolution accepting the 2019 Street Overlay Project and
authorizing final payment in the amount of $182,066.50 to Reynolds and
Kay, LTD., of Tyler, Texas. - Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works.
F. Consider a Resolution to authorize the execution of an Advance Funding
Agreement (AFA) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
for a Highway 80 Median Improvements Project. - Rolin McPhee, P.E.,
Director of Public Works.
G. Consider a Resolution accepting the recommendations of Longview Walk
of Stars Task Force. - Shawn Hara.
H. Consider approval of the following minutes: November 14, 2019 and
December 12, 2019 – Angie Shepard, City Secretary.
Consent Agenda
A. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or theCity Manager's designee to authorize application, accept and expend
grant funds in an amount not to exceed $11,250.00 from the Texas State
University, Texas School Safety Center for the Longview Police
Department to conduct controlled buy/stings and follow-ups of tobacco
permitted retail outlets and sales and use tax permitted e-cigarette retail
outlets – Mike Bishop, Police Chief.
C. Consider a Resolution accepting the Guthrie Creek Shared Use Path
Utility Relocation Project and authorizing final payment of $48,629.40 to
Wicker Construction, Inc. of Shreveport, Louisiana – Rolin McPhee, P.E.,
Director of Public Works.
D. Consider an Ordinance amending Section 11-45 of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Longview relating to the collection of fees for
emergency ambulance service and amending sections 11-21, 11-43, 11-
75, and 11-77 relating to the regulation of non-emergency ambulance
service – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief.
E. Consider a Resolution accepting the 2019 Street Overlay Project and
authorizing final payment in the amount of $182,066.50 to Reynolds and
Kay, LTD., of Tyler, Texas. - Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works.
F. Consider a Resolution to authorize the execution of an Advance Funding
Agreement (AFA) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
for a Highway 80 Median Improvements Project. - Rolin McPhee, P.E.,
Director of Public Works.
G. Consider a Resolution accepting the recommendations of Longview Walk
of Stars Task Force. - Shawn Hara.
H. Consider approval of the following minutes: November 14, 2019 and
December 12, 2019 – Angie Shepard, City Secretary.
Item VIII B - Consider a Resolution amending a contract and authorizing and directing
the City Manager or the City Managers designee to execute any
documents with Paymentus for interactive voice response payments and
payment processing services for water utility department – Angela Coen,
Finance Director.
Consider a Resolution amending a contract and authorizing and directingthe City Manager or the City Managers designee to execute any
documents with Paymentus for interactive voice response payments and
payment processing services for water utility department – Angela Coen,
Finance Director.
Item IX - Election Item
Consider an Ordinance calling a General Election on May 2, 2020 to fill expired
terms of Council Members for City Council District 3 and 4 – Angie Shepard, City
Item IX
Election ItemConsider an Ordinance calling a General Election on May 2, 2020 to fill expired
terms of Council Members for City Council District 3 and 4 – Angie Shepard, City
Item X - Zoning – Public Hearing Item
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z19-12 filed by Mahan
Shabani requesting a rezone from Single Family (SF-5) to Heavy Commercial (C-
2) for the south 40 feet of Lots 16, 17, and 18, Block 28, Northcutt Heights
located on the south side of Northcutt Avenue east of High Street - Angela Choy,
AICP, City Planner.
Item X
Zoning – Public Hearing ItemA PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z19-12 filed by Mahan
Shabani requesting a rezone from Single Family (SF-5) to Heavy Commercial (C-
2) for the south 40 feet of Lots 16, 17, and 18, Block 28, Northcutt Heights
located on the south side of Northcutt Avenue east of High Street - Angela Choy,
AICP, City Planner.
Item XI A - Action Items
Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or his designee to execute any necessary
documents with Leland Bradlee Construction, Inc. of Longview, Texas, in
the amount of $4,606,736 for the construction of the Guthrie Creek Shared
Use Path project – Scott Caron, Director of Parks.
Item XI A
Action ItemsConsider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or his designee to execute any necessary
documents with Leland Bradlee Construction, Inc. of Longview, Texas, in
the amount of $4,606,736 for the construction of the Guthrie Creek Shared
Use Path project – Scott Caron, Director of Parks.
Item XI B - Consider various alternative Resolutions establishing fees for residential
and commercial sanitation customers – Dwayne Archer, Assistant Director
of Public Works.
Item XI B
Consider various alternative Resolutions establishing fees for residentialand commercial sanitation customers – Dwayne Archer, Assistant Director
of Public Works.
Item XII - Items of Community Interest
Item XII
Items of Community Interest»
Items XIII & VIX - XIII. Executive Session
Deliberations Regarding Real Property — Under TEX. GOV’T CODE Section 551.072.
Consideration of the purchase and value of real property located in the Alex Jordan
Survey to the City of Longview, Gregg County, Texas.
VIX. Adjourn
Items XIII & VIX
XIII. Executive SessionDeliberations Regarding Real Property — Under TEX. GOV’T CODE Section 551.072.
Consideration of the purchase and value of real property located in the Alex Jordan
Survey to the City of Longview, Gregg County, Texas.
VIX. Adjourn
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