January 10, 2018 Metropolitan Planning Organization
Metropolitan Planning Organization - (Longview, TX) The Longview Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has scheduled a Policy Board
meeting on Wednesday, January 10th at 2:00 p.m. in the Longview City Council Chambers located in the
Jo Ann Metcalf Municipal Building, 300 W. Cotton St., to consider approval of two additions to the 2017 –
2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and review of revisions to the Public Participation Plan.
Recently, the cities of Longview and White Oak received funding awards from the Texas Department of
Transportation for the Guthrie Creek Shared Use Paths and White Oak Rd. sidewalks. The TIP is a
transportation plan that identifies federal, state and locally funded highways, bridges, bicycle, pedestrian
and public transportation projects for a four year period. The Public Participation Plan provides guidance
for adequate public notification to participate in the transportation planning process and will be updated
for compliance with the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act. The public is invited to attend the
meeting and will be given an opportunity to provide comments.
A public comment period for the Public Participation Plan revisions will be held from January 10th to
February 24th
. Copies of the Public Participation Plan and details of the two TIP project additions can be
reviewed online at www.LongviewTexas.gov/MPO and at the Longview Public Library, 300 W. Cotton St.
in Longview. Comments and questions may be sent to the Longview MPO, P.O. Box 1952, Longview, TX
75606 or emailed to MPO@LongviewTexas.gov. Persons with disabilities who may need auxiliary aid or
services at the meeting and persons needing a translator or interpreter are asked to contact Macie Wyers
at 903-237-1005. Para información en español, por favor comuníquese con Natasha Jaime en 903-237-
Metropolitan Planning Organization
(Longview, TX) The Longview Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has scheduled a Policy Boardmeeting on Wednesday, January 10th at 2:00 p.m. in the Longview City Council Chambers located in the
Jo Ann Metcalf Municipal Building, 300 W. Cotton St., to consider approval of two additions to the 2017 –
2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and review of revisions to the Public Participation Plan.
Recently, the cities of Longview and White Oak received funding awards from the Texas Department of
Transportation for the Guthrie Creek Shared Use Paths and White Oak Rd. sidewalks. The TIP is a
transportation plan that identifies federal, state and locally funded highways, bridges, bicycle, pedestrian
and public transportation projects for a four year period. The Public Participation Plan provides guidance
for adequate public notification to participate in the transportation planning process and will be updated
for compliance with the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act. The public is invited to attend the
meeting and will be given an opportunity to provide comments.
A public comment period for the Public Participation Plan revisions will be held from January 10th to
February 24th
. Copies of the Public Participation Plan and details of the two TIP project additions can be
reviewed online at www.LongviewTexas.gov/MPO and at the Longview Public Library, 300 W. Cotton St.
in Longview. Comments and questions may be sent to the Longview MPO, P.O. Box 1952, Longview, TX
75606 or emailed to MPO@LongviewTexas.gov. Persons with disabilities who may need auxiliary aid or
services at the meeting and persons needing a translator or interpreter are asked to contact Macie Wyers
at 903-237-1005. Para información en español, por favor comuníquese con Natasha Jaime en 903-237-
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