January 21, 2014 Planning & Zoning
Items I - IV - I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of December 17, 2013 P&Z Minutes
Items I - IV
I. Call to OrderII. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of December 17, 2013 P&Z Minutes
Item V - Presentation Item
A. Presentation and update of the City of Longview Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC). Lonnie Murphy, P&Z CPAC Liaison
Item V
Presentation ItemA. Presentation and update of the City of Longview Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC). Lonnie Murphy, P&Z CPAC Liaison
Consent Agenda - Consent Agenda
Item A
CONSIDER application #P13-12 Magnolia Gardens Phase III field by Koerner Construction, Inc. to plat approximately 1.899 acres into 9 lots located south of Fairmont on H G Mosley.
Consent Agenda
Consent AgendaItem A
CONSIDER application #P13-12 Magnolia Gardens Phase III field by Koerner Construction, Inc. to plat approximately 1.899 acres into 9 lots located south of Fairmont on H G Mosley.
Item VII (Part 1 of 2) - A. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PV14-01 The Hamptons at Longview filed by Abby Development, LTD for a variance to the Subdivision Ordinance, Sec. 92-97 (b), which requires sewer and water service, to 2.709 acres of proposed Lot 5-B, Block 1 of The Hamptons at Longview Subdivision located on the south side of Hawkins Parkway.
B. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #RP14-01 filed by Abby Development, LTD to replat Lot 6 of The Hamptons at Longview into three commercial lots located on the south west corner of Hawkins Parkway and Tryon Road.
C. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z14-01 filed by Holt 5 Enterprises LLC requesting a rezone from Agriculture (A) to Single Family (SF-4)for approximately 1.027 acres of the William Robinson Survey AB-177 located at 3723 Pine Tree Road.
D. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-01 filed by
Premiere Management to rezone from General Retail (GR) and Single Family (SF-
4) to Planned Development Heavy Commercial (PD C-2) located at 2100 N.
Eastman Road.
E. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-02 filed Arun
Srinivasan requesting to amend PD13-09 (PD for Single Family Attached) to allow
for a five foot corner side setback for the proposed Lots 5, 6, 15 and 16, Block 1,
Timber Trail Townhomes, located on the southwest corner of Hollybrook Drive and
Tryon Road.
F. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-03 filed by
Benchmark Design Group requesting to rezone PD12-04 (PD-GR without site plan
approval) to PD14-03 Planned Development General Retail (PD-GR) to allow for a
Restaurant with a drive-thru window on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Skyway Acres “A”
and a 0.157 acre residue of abstract 258 P.P. Rains Survey Section 6 located on
the southwest corner of East Loop 281 and Airline Road.
Item VII (Part 1 of 2)
A. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PV14-01 The Hamptons at Longview filed by Abby Development, LTD for a variance to the Subdivision Ordinance, Sec. 92-97 (b), which requires sewer and water service, to 2.709 acres of proposed Lot 5-B, Block 1 of The Hamptons at Longview Subdivision located on the south side of Hawkins Parkway.B. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #RP14-01 filed by Abby Development, LTD to replat Lot 6 of The Hamptons at Longview into three commercial lots located on the south west corner of Hawkins Parkway and Tryon Road.
C. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z14-01 filed by Holt 5 Enterprises LLC requesting a rezone from Agriculture (A) to Single Family (SF-4)for approximately 1.027 acres of the William Robinson Survey AB-177 located at 3723 Pine Tree Road.
D. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-01 filed by
Premiere Management to rezone from General Retail (GR) and Single Family (SF-
4) to Planned Development Heavy Commercial (PD C-2) located at 2100 N.
Eastman Road.
E. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-02 filed Arun
Srinivasan requesting to amend PD13-09 (PD for Single Family Attached) to allow
for a five foot corner side setback for the proposed Lots 5, 6, 15 and 16, Block 1,
Timber Trail Townhomes, located on the southwest corner of Hollybrook Drive and
Tryon Road.
F. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-03 filed by
Benchmark Design Group requesting to rezone PD12-04 (PD-GR without site plan
approval) to PD14-03 Planned Development General Retail (PD-GR) to allow for a
Restaurant with a drive-thru window on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Skyway Acres “A”
and a 0.157 acre residue of abstract 258 P.P. Rains Survey Section 6 located on
the southwest corner of East Loop 281 and Airline Road.
Item VII (Part 2 of 2) - A. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PV14-01 The Hamptons at Longview filed by Abby Development, LTD for a variance to the Subdivision Ordinance, Sec. 92-97 (b), which requires sewer and water service, to 2.709 acres of proposed Lot 5-B, Block 1 of The Hamptons at Longview Subdivision located on the south side of Hawkins Parkway.
B. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #RP14-01 filed by Abby Development, LTD to replat Lot 6 of The Hamptons at Longview into three commercial lots located on the south west corner of Hawkins Parkway and Tryon Road.
C. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z14-01 filed by Holt 5 Enterprises LLC requesting a rezone from Agriculture (A) to Single Family (SF-4)for approximately 1.027 acres of the William Robinson Survey AB-177 located at 3723 Pine Tree Road.
D. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-01 filed by
Premiere Management to rezone from General Retail (GR) and Single Family (SF-
4) to Planned Development Heavy Commercial (PD C-2) located at 2100 N.
Eastman Road.
E. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-02 filed Arun
Srinivasan requesting to amend PD13-09 (PD for Single Family Attached) to allow
for a five foot corner side setback for the proposed Lots 5, 6, 15 and 16, Block 1,
Timber Trail Townhomes, located on the southwest corner of Hollybrook Drive and
Tryon Road.
F. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-03 filed by
Benchmark Design Group requesting to rezone PD12-04 (PD-GR without site plan
approval) to PD14-03 Planned Development General Retail (PD-GR) to allow for a
Restaurant with a drive-thru window on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Skyway Acres “A”
and a 0.157 acre residue of abstract 258 P.P. Rains Survey Section 6 located on
the southwest corner of East Loop 281 and Airline Road.
Item VII (Part 2 of 2)
A. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PV14-01 The Hamptons at Longview filed by Abby Development, LTD for a variance to the Subdivision Ordinance, Sec. 92-97 (b), which requires sewer and water service, to 2.709 acres of proposed Lot 5-B, Block 1 of The Hamptons at Longview Subdivision located on the south side of Hawkins Parkway.B. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #RP14-01 filed by Abby Development, LTD to replat Lot 6 of The Hamptons at Longview into three commercial lots located on the south west corner of Hawkins Parkway and Tryon Road.
C. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z14-01 filed by Holt 5 Enterprises LLC requesting a rezone from Agriculture (A) to Single Family (SF-4)for approximately 1.027 acres of the William Robinson Survey AB-177 located at 3723 Pine Tree Road.
D. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-01 filed by
Premiere Management to rezone from General Retail (GR) and Single Family (SF-
4) to Planned Development Heavy Commercial (PD C-2) located at 2100 N.
Eastman Road.
E. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-02 filed Arun
Srinivasan requesting to amend PD13-09 (PD for Single Family Attached) to allow
for a five foot corner side setback for the proposed Lots 5, 6, 15 and 16, Block 1,
Timber Trail Townhomes, located on the southwest corner of Hollybrook Drive and
Tryon Road.
F. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-03 filed by
Benchmark Design Group requesting to rezone PD12-04 (PD-GR without site plan
approval) to PD14-03 Planned Development General Retail (PD-GR) to allow for a
Restaurant with a drive-thru window on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Skyway Acres “A”
and a 0.157 acre residue of abstract 258 P.P. Rains Survey Section 6 located on
the southwest corner of East Loop 281 and Airline Road.
Item VIII - Provide update of City Council action on previous zoning items.
Provide update of City Council action on previous zoning items.»
Items IX & X - IX. Citizen Comment
X. Adjourn
Items IX & X
IX. Citizen CommentX. Adjourn
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