March 8, 2018 City Council Meeting
Items I - III - I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Items I - III
I. Call to OrderII. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Item IV - Employee Recognition
Item IV
Employee Recognition»
Item V - Community Recognition
Item V
Community Recognition»
Item VII - Presentation Items
Presentation of the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – Adrienne Deason, CPA, Henry and Peters, PC.
Item VII
Presentation ItemsPresentation of the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – Adrienne Deason, CPA, Henry and Peters, PC.
Item VIII - Public Safety Update
A. Police
B. Fire
Public Safety UpdateA. Police
B. Fire
Consent Agenda - A. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the application, receipt and expenditure of grant funds in the amount of $10,636.20 from the Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (LEOSE) fund for the purpose of continuing education and
training for law enforcement personnel of the Longview Police Department – Mike Bishop, Police Chief.
Pages 4-7
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the Longview Police Department to acquire regular license plates for certain vehicles – Dwayne Archer, Assistant Public Works Director. Pages 8-10
C. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents with Always Green of Longview for buildings and cemeteries grounds maintenance – Dwayne Archer, Assistant Public Works Director. Pages 11-14
D. Consider a Resolution accepting the Transit Building Roof Renovations Project and authorizing final payment in the amount of $7,850.60 to Curtis-McKinley Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc. of Longview, Texas – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works. Pages 15-18
E. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager's designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding by and between the Longview Police Department and the United States Secret Service for reimbursement of certain overtime costs and other expenses in participation of joint operations with the U.S. Secret Service's North Texas Financial Crimes Task Force – Mike Bishop, Police Chief. Pages 19-21
F. Consider approval of the following minutes: January 11, 2018 and February 8, 2018 – Angie Shepard, City Secretary. Page 22
Consent Agenda
A. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the application, receipt and expenditure of grant funds in the amount of $10,636.20 from the Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (LEOSE) fund for the purpose of continuing education andtraining for law enforcement personnel of the Longview Police Department – Mike Bishop, Police Chief.
Pages 4-7
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the Longview Police Department to acquire regular license plates for certain vehicles – Dwayne Archer, Assistant Public Works Director. Pages 8-10
C. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents with Always Green of Longview for buildings and cemeteries grounds maintenance – Dwayne Archer, Assistant Public Works Director. Pages 11-14
D. Consider a Resolution accepting the Transit Building Roof Renovations Project and authorizing final payment in the amount of $7,850.60 to Curtis-McKinley Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc. of Longview, Texas – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works. Pages 15-18
E. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager's designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding by and between the Longview Police Department and the United States Secret Service for reimbursement of certain overtime costs and other expenses in participation of joint operations with the U.S. Secret Service's North Texas Financial Crimes Task Force – Mike Bishop, Police Chief. Pages 19-21
F. Consider approval of the following minutes: January 11, 2018 and February 8, 2018 – Angie Shepard, City Secretary. Page 22
Item X A - Action Items
Consider an Ordinance canceling the Election to fill the expired term for
Mayor and City Council Districts 1, 2 and declaring elected to office the
unopposed candidates for a term expiring in May 2021 – Angie Shepard,
City Secretary. Pages 23-28
Item X A
Action ItemsConsider an Ordinance canceling the Election to fill the expired term for
Mayor and City Council Districts 1, 2 and declaring elected to office the
unopposed candidates for a term expiring in May 2021 – Angie Shepard,
City Secretary. Pages 23-28
Item X B - Consider an Ordinance amending Section 4-163 of the Longview City
Code to authorize the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to
execute any waiver or dismissal of any penalties and interest resulting
from any lien imposed by the City – Michael Shirley, Director of
Development Services. Pages 29-32
Item X B
Consider an Ordinance amending Section 4-163 of the Longview CityCode to authorize the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to
execute any waiver or dismissal of any penalties and interest resulting
from any lien imposed by the City – Michael Shirley, Director of
Development Services. Pages 29-32
Item X C - Consider an Ordinance dismissing and waiving all liens, penalties, and interest against certain real property for a sum of one hundred dollars with a street address of 204 Fredonia and authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager's designee to execute and deliver any and all documents necessary to evidence said dismissal and waiver - Michael Shirley, Director of Development Services.
Pages 33-38
Item X C
Consider an Ordinance dismissing and waiving all liens, penalties, and interest against certain real property for a sum of one hundred dollars with a street address of 204 Fredonia and authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager's designee to execute and deliver any and all documents necessary to evidence said dismissal and waiver - Michael Shirley, Director of Development Services.Pages 33-38
Item X D - Consider an Ordinance dismissing and waiving all liens, penalties, and interest against certain real property with a street address of 1702 and 1708 Clearwood and authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager's designee to execute and deliver any and all documents necessary to evidence said dismissal and waiver - Michael Shirley, Director of Development Services. Pages 39-44
Item X D
Consider an Ordinance dismissing and waiving all liens, penalties, and interest against certain real property with a street address of 1702 and 1708 Clearwood and authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager's designee to execute and deliver any and all documents necessary to evidence said dismissal and waiver - Michael Shirley, Director of Development Services. Pages 39-44»
Item XI - Items of Community Interest
Item XI
Items of Community Interest»
Items XII & XII - XII. Mayor Mack’s Scholarship
XII. Adjourn
Items XII & XII
XII. Mayor Mack’s ScholarshipXII. Adjourn
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