March 25, 2021 City Council Meeting
Call to Order - I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
Call to Order
I. Call to OrderII. Roll Call
Consent Agenda - A. Consider a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or the City Manager’s
designee to execute any necessary documents for the application, receipt
and expenditure of grant funds in the amount of $9217.27 from the Law
Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (LEOSE) fund for the
purpose of continuing education and training for law enforcement
personnel of the Longview Police Department – Mike Bishop, Police Chief.
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or the City
Manager's designee to negotiate and execute an extension of the City’s
current lease agreement for office space at the Glover Crim Building
for an additional three years for an annual rent of up to $96,684.36
($8,057.03 monthly) – Bonnie Hubbard, Human Resources & Risk
C. Consider a Resolution authorizing, approving, and ratifying the
amendment of the fiscal year 2020-2021 budget of the Longview
Economic Development Corporation as necessary to pay for infrastructure
work and incentives associated with the performance agreement with The
Gap, Inc. – Wayne Mansfield, LEDCO President/CEO.
D. Consider a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or the City Manager’s
designee to negotiate and execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of playground equipment for the Citywide Park Improvements
via the City’s purchasing agreement with the local government purchasing
cooperative administered by the Texas Association of School Boards
(“TASB BuyBoard”) for an amount not to exceed $512,920.00 – Scott
Caron, Director of Park and Recreation.
Consent Agenda
A. Consider a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or the City Manager’sdesignee to execute any necessary documents for the application, receipt
and expenditure of grant funds in the amount of $9217.27 from the Law
Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (LEOSE) fund for the
purpose of continuing education and training for law enforcement
personnel of the Longview Police Department – Mike Bishop, Police Chief.
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or the City
Manager's designee to negotiate and execute an extension of the City’s
current lease agreement for office space at the Glover Crim Building
for an additional three years for an annual rent of up to $96,684.36
($8,057.03 monthly) – Bonnie Hubbard, Human Resources & Risk
C. Consider a Resolution authorizing, approving, and ratifying the
amendment of the fiscal year 2020-2021 budget of the Longview
Economic Development Corporation as necessary to pay for infrastructure
work and incentives associated with the performance agreement with The
Gap, Inc. – Wayne Mansfield, LEDCO President/CEO.
D. Consider a Resolution authorizing the City Manager or the City Manager’s
designee to negotiate and execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of playground equipment for the Citywide Park Improvements
via the City’s purchasing agreement with the local government purchasing
cooperative administered by the Texas Association of School Boards
(“TASB BuyBoard”) for an amount not to exceed $512,920.00 – Scott
Caron, Director of Park and Recreation.
Item V - Discussion Item – City Council to discuss returning to in-person meetings.
Item V
Discussion Item – City Council to discuss returning to in-person meetings.»
Items VI & VII - VI. Items of Community Interest and COVID update
VII. Adjourn
Items VI & VII
VI. Items of Community Interest and COVID updateVII. Adjourn
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