April 15, 2014 Planning & Zoning
Items I - IV - I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of March 18, 2014 P&Z Minutes
Items I - IV
I. Call to OrderII. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of March 18, 2014 P&Z Minutes
Item V - Introduction
A. Introduction of new Planning and Zoning Commissioners.
Item V
IntroductionA. Introduction of new Planning and Zoning Commissioners.
Consent Agenda - Consent Agenda
A. CONSIDER application #P14-04 Deer Valley Subdivision filed by Jeff Reich to plat approximately 26.971 acres into 42 lots located on Lansing Switch Road in the ETJ.
B. CONSIDER application #P14-05 Champions Ridge Phase I filed by David Carlile and Randy Curtis to plat approximately 26.742 acres into 7 residential lots located on Hawkins Parkway.
Consent Agenda
Consent AgendaA. CONSIDER application #P14-04 Deer Valley Subdivision filed by Jeff Reich to plat approximately 26.971 acres into 42 lots located on Lansing Switch Road in the ETJ.
B. CONSIDER application #P14-05 Champions Ridge Phase I filed by David Carlile and Randy Curtis to plat approximately 26.742 acres into 7 residential lots located on Hawkins Parkway.
Item VII A - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #RP14-05 filed by Vakratund, LP to replat Lot 1 of Home Depot Subdivision into two commercial lots located on Hawkins Parkway, west of Fourth Street.
Item VII A
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #RP14-05 filed by Vakratund, LP to replat Lot 1 of Home Depot Subdivision into two commercial lots located on Hawkins Parkway, west of Fourth Street.»
Item VII B - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z14-04 filed by YSP & Associates, LLC requesting a rezone from Single Family (SF-2) to General Retail (GR) for approximately 0.73 acres of AB 113, J. Jackson Survey, Tract 5, Section 1 located at 110 Magnolia Lane.
Item VII B
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z14-04 filed by YSP & Associates, LLC requesting a rezone from Single Family (SF-2) to General Retail (GR) for approximately 0.73 acres of AB 113, J. Jackson Survey, Tract 5, Section 1 located at 110 Magnolia Lane.»
Items VIII & IX - VIII. Citizen Comment
IX. Adjourn
Items VIII & IX
VIII. Citizen CommentIX. Adjourn
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