April 26, 2018 City Council Meeting
Items I - III - I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Items I - III
I. Call to OrderII. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Item IV - Employee Recognition
Item IV
Employee Recognition»
Additional Item - Additional Item
Additional Item
Additional Item»
Item VII - Public Safety Update
Item VII
Public Safety UpdatePolice
Consent Agenda - A. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager's designee to execute any necessary documents to enter a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Longview and Spring Hill I.S.D., relating to the provision of shelter in case of campus evacuation – Laura Hill, Director of Community Services. Pages 4-9
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager’s designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the Texas Department of Public Safety and the City of Longview for participation in the Weight Enforcement Program – Mike Bishop, Police Chief. Pages 10-12
C. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the purchase of a special operations trailer via the General Services Administration (GSA) using grant funding from a State Homeland Security Grant for an amount not to exceed $116,000.00 – Hank Hester, Assistant Fire Chief. Pages 13-17
D. Consider a Resolution to publish and post the availability of the draft FY18-19 Annual Action Plan including the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME budgets – Parker Harrison, Community Development Administrator. Pages 18-20
G. Consider a Resolution authorizing a license agreement between the City of Longview and Mr. Gary VanDusen licensing the placement of a driveway on City-owned property located near the Eastman Road and Fourth Street Intersection – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works. Pages 30-33
Consent Agenda
A. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager's designee to execute any necessary documents to enter a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Longview and Spring Hill I.S.D., relating to the provision of shelter in case of campus evacuation – Laura Hill, Director of Community Services. Pages 4-9B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager’s designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the Texas Department of Public Safety and the City of Longview for participation in the Weight Enforcement Program – Mike Bishop, Police Chief. Pages 10-12
C. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the purchase of a special operations trailer via the General Services Administration (GSA) using grant funding from a State Homeland Security Grant for an amount not to exceed $116,000.00 – Hank Hester, Assistant Fire Chief. Pages 13-17
D. Consider a Resolution to publish and post the availability of the draft FY18-19 Annual Action Plan including the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME budgets – Parker Harrison, Community Development Administrator. Pages 18-20
G. Consider a Resolution authorizing a license agreement between the City of Longview and Mr. Gary VanDusen licensing the placement of a driveway on City-owned property located near the Eastman Road and Fourth Street Intersection – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works. Pages 30-33
Item VII E - Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents with Pro Mowers of Daingerfield, Texas for a change order for mowing services for open space parks trails and medians – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works. Pages 21-24
Item VII E
Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the Acting City Manager or the Acting City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents with Pro Mowers of Daingerfield, Texas for a change order for mowing services for open space parks trails and medians – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works. Pages 21-24»
Item VII F - Consider a Resolution suspending the effective date proposed by Centerpoint Energy Resources Corp., Beaumont/East Texas Division, to increase rates under the Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program for 45 days, and authorize the city’s continued participation in a coalition of cities known as the “Alliance of Centerpoint Municipalities” – Jim Finley, City Attorney. Pages 25-29
Item VII F
Consider a Resolution suspending the effective date proposed by Centerpoint Energy Resources Corp., Beaumont/East Texas Division, to increase rates under the Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program for 45 days, and authorize the city’s continued participation in a coalition of cities known as the “Alliance of Centerpoint Municipalities” – Jim Finley, City Attorney. Pages 25-29»
Item IX A - Consider a Resolution awarding a contract in the amount of $2,017,180.95 to Ironhorse Unlimited, Inc., of Malakoff, Texas and approval of a deductive change order in the amount of $484,717 which will result in a contract price of $1,532,463.95 for the construction of the Longview Arboretum and Nature Center – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works. Pages 34-38
Item IX A
Consider a Resolution awarding a contract in the amount of $2,017,180.95 to Ironhorse Unlimited, Inc., of Malakoff, Texas and approval of a deductive change order in the amount of $484,717 which will result in a contract price of $1,532,463.95 for the construction of the Longview Arboretum and Nature Center – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works. Pages 34-38»
Item IX B - Consider an Ordinance amending the budget for the City of Longview, Texas for fiscal year 2017-2018 by allocating fund balance from multiple funds to the health fund for unanticipated health, dental, and prescription claim expenses - Mary Ann Miller, Director of Administration. Pages 39-44
Item IX B
Consider an Ordinance amending the budget for the City of Longview, Texas for fiscal year 2017-2018 by allocating fund balance from multiple funds to the health fund for unanticipated health, dental, and prescription claim expenses - Mary Ann Miller, Director of Administration. Pages 39-44»
Items X and XI - X. Items of Community Interest
XI. Adjourn
Items X and XI
X. Items of Community InterestXI. Adjourn
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