July 21, 2020 Planning & Zoning
Call to Order - I. Call to Order
II. Introduction of New Commissioners
III. Roll Call
Call to Order
I. Call to OrderII. Introduction of New Commissioners
III. Roll Call
Item IV - Approval of June 16, 2020 P&Z Minutes
Item IV
Approval of June 16, 2020 P&Z Minutes»
Item V - Citizen Comment
Item V
Citizen Comment»
Consent Agenda - A. CONSIDER application #P20-09 Lone Oak Subdivision filed by Mike Alston
(East Texas Supreme Properties, LLC) to plat approximately 6.80 acres of
Abstract 186 D. Sanchez Survey Tract 1 Section 8 into 21 lots located south
of George Richey and east of Gilmer Road.
B. CONSIDER application #RP20-04 Green Acres Subdivision and Northcutt
Heights Addition filed by Bradon Oram (BTO Properties) to replat
approximately 1.20 acres of a portion of Lots 5-7, Block 5 Green Acres
Subdivision and Lot 1, Block 12-B of Northcutt Heights Addition into 3 lots
located at the corner of Yale Street and North Court Street.
Consent Agenda
A. CONSIDER application #P20-09 Lone Oak Subdivision filed by Mike Alston(East Texas Supreme Properties, LLC) to plat approximately 6.80 acres of
Abstract 186 D. Sanchez Survey Tract 1 Section 8 into 21 lots located south
of George Richey and east of Gilmer Road.
B. CONSIDER application #RP20-04 Green Acres Subdivision and Northcutt
Heights Addition filed by Bradon Oram (BTO Properties) to replat
approximately 1.20 acres of a portion of Lots 5-7, Block 5 Green Acres
Subdivision and Lot 1, Block 12-B of Northcutt Heights Addition into 3 lots
located at the corner of Yale Street and North Court Street.
Item VII A - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PV20-01 filed by
Nicholas Northcutt for a variance to the Subdivision Ordinance Sec. 92-97 (b)
Planning and Zoning Commission which requires sewer and water service to 7.46 acres of AB 71 D Ferguson
Survey Tract 13-01 Section 4 located at the south east corner of Bill Owens
Parkway and H. G. Mosley Parkway.
Item VII A
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PV20-01 filed byNicholas Northcutt for a variance to the Subdivision Ordinance Sec. 92-97 (b)
Planning and Zoning Commission which requires sewer and water service to 7.46 acres of AB 71 D Ferguson
Survey Tract 13-01 Section 4 located at the south east corner of Bill Owens
Parkway and H. G. Mosley Parkway.
Items VII B & VIII - B. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-06 filed by
Dave Carter requesting a rezone from Single Family (SF-2) to General Retail
(GR) Zoning District for approximately 13.357 acres for Lots 3A, 4, and 5,
Block 1112 L. Wooley Tract subdivision located at 2201 Judson Road.
VIII. Adjourn
Items VII B & VIII
B. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-06 filed byDave Carter requesting a rezone from Single Family (SF-2) to General Retail
(GR) Zoning District for approximately 13.357 acres for Lots 3A, 4, and 5,
Block 1112 L. Wooley Tract subdivision located at 2201 Judson Road.
VIII. Adjourn
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