July 26, 2018 City Council Meeting
Items I - III - I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Items I - III
I. Call to OrderII. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Item IV - Employee Recognition
Item IV
Employee Recognition»
Item V - Community Recognition
Item V
Community Recognition»
Item VI - Citizen Comment
Item VI
Citizen Comment»
Item VII - Presentation Item
Presentation of a Proclamation commemorating 2018-2019 Pacesetters Campaign Kick-Off with United Way – Mayor Andy Mack.
Item VII
Presentation ItemPresentation of a Proclamation commemorating 2018-2019 Pacesetters Campaign Kick-Off with United Way – Mayor Andy Mack.
Item VIII - Public Safety Update
A. Police
B. Fire
Public Safety UpdateA. Police
B. Fire
Item IX - Consent Agenda
A. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the application, receipt and expenditure of Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. First Responder Grant Program funds in the amount of $5,000.00– J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief.
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
application, receipt and expenditure of CenterPoint Energy Community
Partnership Grant Program funds in the amount of $1,000.00 for water
rescue equipment for the Longview Fire Department – J.P. Steelman, Fire
C. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with BTH Bank, National Association for primary
bank depository services – Angela Coen, Finance Director.
D. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
application, receipt and expenditure of grant funds from the Texas
Homeless Network to secure a fulltime VISTA (Volunteer in Service to
America) volunteer to help eliminate poverty and help mitigate community
risk factors regarding poverty and homelessness – Dietrich R. Johnson,
Asst. Director Community Services Administration.
E. Consider a Resolution establishing the date, time, and place for a public
hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year 2018-2019 budget – Angela Coen,
Director of Finance.
F. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with J & A Coating LLC, of Hughes Springs, Texas
in an amount not to exceed $122,055.00 for the project know as “Sabine
Water Treatment Plant Clarifiers 1, 2 & 4 Paining” – Rolin McPhee, P.E.,
Director of Public Works.
G. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with C. D. Thomas Utilities, LLC, of Gilmer, Texas,
in the amount of $283,449.00 to for the construction of the project known
as “Sewer System Improvements on Guthrie (GU-1) and Lafamo (LF-2)” –
Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works.
H. Consider approval of the following minutes: June 14, 2018, June 20, 2018
and June 28, 2018 – Angie Shepard, City Secretary.
Item IX
Consent AgendaA. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the application, receipt and expenditure of Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. First Responder Grant Program funds in the amount of $5,000.00– J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief.
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
application, receipt and expenditure of CenterPoint Energy Community
Partnership Grant Program funds in the amount of $1,000.00 for water
rescue equipment for the Longview Fire Department – J.P. Steelman, Fire
C. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with BTH Bank, National Association for primary
bank depository services – Angela Coen, Finance Director.
D. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
application, receipt and expenditure of grant funds from the Texas
Homeless Network to secure a fulltime VISTA (Volunteer in Service to
America) volunteer to help eliminate poverty and help mitigate community
risk factors regarding poverty and homelessness – Dietrich R. Johnson,
Asst. Director Community Services Administration.
E. Consider a Resolution establishing the date, time, and place for a public
hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year 2018-2019 budget – Angela Coen,
Director of Finance.
F. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with J & A Coating LLC, of Hughes Springs, Texas
in an amount not to exceed $122,055.00 for the project know as “Sabine
Water Treatment Plant Clarifiers 1, 2 & 4 Paining” – Rolin McPhee, P.E.,
Director of Public Works.
G. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with C. D. Thomas Utilities, LLC, of Gilmer, Texas,
in the amount of $283,449.00 to for the construction of the project known
as “Sewer System Improvements on Guthrie (GU-1) and Lafamo (LF-2)” –
Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works.
H. Consider approval of the following minutes: June 14, 2018, June 20, 2018
and June 28, 2018 – Angie Shepard, City Secretary.
Item X - Budget Item
Presentation of the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 - 2019 budget for the City of
Longview – Keith Bonds, City Manager.
Item X
Budget ItemPresentation of the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 - 2019 budget for the City of
Longview – Keith Bonds, City Manager.
Item XI - Discussion Item
Discuss and provide direction concerning recommendations from the
Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee.
Item XI
Discussion ItemDiscuss and provide direction concerning recommendations from the
Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee.
Items XII & XIII - XII. Items of Community Interest
XIII. Adjourn
Items XII & XIII
XII. Items of Community InterestXIII. Adjourn
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