Partners in Prevention Climate Control - A Conversation About Race Relations
Partners in Prevention Climate Control - A Conversation About Race Relations - Partners in Prevention's Unity and Diversity Committee has been hosting small group discussions in the community through a series called Longview Listens. For safety reasons due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the past couple of Longview Listens sessions have had to be postponed. However, we understand that we feel with recent events, it is important to continue to have open discussions on the topic of race. So, we have asked Terry Reese, who would have hosted the latest Longview Listens, to talk with us about race relations.
Partners in Prevention Climate Control - A Conversation About Race Relations
Partners in Prevention's Unity and Diversity Committee has been hosting small group discussions in the community through a series called Longview Listens. For safety reasons due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the past couple of Longview Listens sessions have had to be postponed. However, we understand that we feel with recent events, it is important to continue to have open discussions on the topic of race. So, we have asked Terry Reese, who would have hosted the latest Longview Listens, to talk with us about race relations.© 2025 Swagit Productions, LLC