August 13, 2020 City Council Meeting
Items I & II - I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
Items I & II
I. Call to OrderII. Roll Call
Item III - Citizen Comment
Item III
Citizen Comment»
Item IV - Budget Items
Item IV
Budget Items»
Consent Agenda - A. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of police body camera equipment via the city’s participation in
the State of Texas cooperative purchasing program – Mike Bishop, Chief
of Police. Pages 99-103
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of a transit van via the State of Oklahoma interlocal agreement
for an amount not to exceed $54,233.00 using Federal Transit
Administration Funds – Scott Lewis, Longview Transit General Manager.
Pages 104-107
C. Consider a Resolution authorizing the City to enter into an interlocal
agreement for mutual access to certain CloudLibrary digital resources,
also known as the Bibliotheca CloudLink Service – Jennifer Eldridge,
Library Manager. Pages 108-110
D. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager's
designee to execute any necessary documents for the application, receipt,
and expenditure of the Fiscal Year 2020 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)
from the U.S. Department of Justice in the amount of $25,998 to be used
for youth crime prevention initiatives – Holly Fuller, Partners in Prevention
Manager. Pages 111-114
E. Consider a Resolution to receive a Homeland Security hazardous
materials response trailer/equipment transfer from the Athens Fire
Department to the Longview Fire Department per a recommendation from
the Homeland Security Advisory Council of the East Texas Council of
Governments – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief/Emergency Management
Coordinator. Pages 115-118
F. Consider a Resolution accepting the "Lake O'the Pines Raw Water Intake
Repairs" Project and authorizing final payment of $91,065.37 to Solid
Bridge Construction, LLC, of Huntsville, Texas – Rolin McPhee, P.E.,
Director of Public Works. Pages 119-122
G. Consider a Resolution allowing the City of Longview to enter into an
Interlocal Agreement with Kilgore College for the purpose of allowing their
students to obtain state-required clinical hours onboard fire department
ambulances – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief. Pages 123-126
Consent Agenda
A. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or theCity Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of police body camera equipment via the city’s participation in
the State of Texas cooperative purchasing program – Mike Bishop, Chief
of Police. Pages 99-103
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of a transit van via the State of Oklahoma interlocal agreement
for an amount not to exceed $54,233.00 using Federal Transit
Administration Funds – Scott Lewis, Longview Transit General Manager.
Pages 104-107
C. Consider a Resolution authorizing the City to enter into an interlocal
agreement for mutual access to certain CloudLibrary digital resources,
also known as the Bibliotheca CloudLink Service – Jennifer Eldridge,
Library Manager. Pages 108-110
D. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager's
designee to execute any necessary documents for the application, receipt,
and expenditure of the Fiscal Year 2020 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)
from the U.S. Department of Justice in the amount of $25,998 to be used
for youth crime prevention initiatives – Holly Fuller, Partners in Prevention
Manager. Pages 111-114
E. Consider a Resolution to receive a Homeland Security hazardous
materials response trailer/equipment transfer from the Athens Fire
Department to the Longview Fire Department per a recommendation from
the Homeland Security Advisory Council of the East Texas Council of
Governments – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief/Emergency Management
Coordinator. Pages 115-118
F. Consider a Resolution accepting the "Lake O'the Pines Raw Water Intake
Repairs" Project and authorizing final payment of $91,065.37 to Solid
Bridge Construction, LLC, of Huntsville, Texas – Rolin McPhee, P.E.,
Director of Public Works. Pages 119-122
G. Consider a Resolution allowing the City of Longview to enter into an
Interlocal Agreement with Kilgore College for the purpose of allowing their
students to obtain state-required clinical hours onboard fire department
ambulances – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief. Pages 123-126
Item VI - Election Item
Consider an Ordinance changing the dates for early voting in accordance with
the proclamation of the Governor for the general election to be held on
November 3, 2020, for the purpose of electing a City Council Member for City
Council Voting District No. 3 and making provisions for conducting said election
jointly with Gregg and Harrison Counties – Angie Shepard, City Secretary. Pages
Item VI
Election ItemConsider an Ordinance changing the dates for early voting in accordance with
the proclamation of the Governor for the general election to be held on
November 3, 2020, for the purpose of electing a City Council Member for City
Council Voting District No. 3 and making provisions for conducting said election
jointly with Gregg and Harrison Counties – Angie Shepard, City Secretary. Pages
Items VII & VIII - VII. Zoning Item
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-06 filed by Dave
Carter requesting a rezone from Single Family (SF-2) to General Retail (GR)
Zoning District for approximately 13.357 acres for Lots 3A, 4, and 5, Block 1112
L. Wooley Tract subdivision located at 2201 Judson Road – Angela Choy, AICP,
City Planner. Pages 135-149
VIII. Adjourn
Items VII & VIII
VII. Zoning ItemA PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-06 filed by Dave
Carter requesting a rezone from Single Family (SF-2) to General Retail (GR)
Zoning District for approximately 13.357 acres for Lots 3A, 4, and 5, Block 1112
L. Wooley Tract subdivision located at 2201 Judson Road – Angela Choy, AICP,
City Planner. Pages 135-149
VIII. Adjourn
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