Mayor Mack's Challenge - Introduction
Mayor Mack's Challenge - Introduction - We've heard from many of you wanting to support public safety and "Back the Blue." Mayor Mack spoke with Fire Chief JP Steelman and Police Chief Mike Bishop about tangible ways the community can support them. They shared that they are always in need of bottled water and sports drinks. Also, the Fire Department needs small, battery operated smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors to give those who can't afford them. The Police Department needs new child car seats to give children not properly fastened. Mayor Mack had a brilliant idea... Issue a challenge to the City of Longview called "Mayor Mack's Challenge" to help support our public servants. So, please purchase and drop off any of these items at the Longview Fire and Police Stations to show your support.
Mayor Mack's Challenge - Introduction
We've heard from many of you wanting to support public safety and "Back the Blue." Mayor Mack spoke with Fire Chief JP Steelman and Police Chief Mike Bishop about tangible ways the community can support them. They shared that they are always in need of bottled water and sports drinks. Also, the Fire Department needs small, battery operated smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors to give those who can't afford them. The Police Department needs new child car seats to give children not properly fastened. Mayor Mack had a brilliant idea... Issue a challenge to the City of Longview called "Mayor Mack's Challenge" to help support our public servants. So, please purchase and drop off any of these items at the Longview Fire and Police Stations to show your support.© 2025 Swagit Productions, LLC