September 15, 2020 Planning & Zoning
Items I & II - I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
Items I & II
I. Call to OrderII. Roll Call
Item III - Approval of August 18, 2020 P&Z Minutes
Item III
Approval of August 18, 2020 P&Z Minutes»
Item V A - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PV20-02 Lone
Cedar Addition filed by Cedric Stephens for a variance to the Subdivision
Ordinance, Sec. 92-102(a) to allow for a minimum lot size of approximately
6,098 square feet instead of the required 7,500 square feet minimum in
Single Family (SF-4) Zoning District as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance for
approximately 0.14 acres of Lot 12, Block 644 Lone Cedar Addition located
on the northside of Brooks Street and east of Ryan Drive.
Item V A
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PV20-02 LoneCedar Addition filed by Cedric Stephens for a variance to the Subdivision
Ordinance, Sec. 92-102(a) to allow for a minimum lot size of approximately
6,098 square feet instead of the required 7,500 square feet minimum in
Single Family (SF-4) Zoning District as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance for
approximately 0.14 acres of Lot 12, Block 644 Lone Cedar Addition located
on the northside of Brooks Street and east of Ryan Drive.
Item V B - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-08 filed by
Timothy & Brianna Teel requesting a rezone from Planned Development
(PD24) to Heavy Commercial (C-2) Zoning District for approximately 0.489
acres of the Hamilton McNutt Survey located at 411 N. Spur 63 at the
northwest corner of Joplin Drive and N. Spur 63.
Item V B
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-08 filed byTimothy & Brianna Teel requesting a rezone from Planned Development
(PD24) to Heavy Commercial (C-2) Zoning District for approximately 0.489
acres of the Hamilton McNutt Survey located at 411 N. Spur 63 at the
northwest corner of Joplin Drive and N. Spur 63.
Items VI & VII - VI. Discussion
A. Discuss the draft Unified Development Code (UDC). - Michael Shirley,
Director of Development Services
VII. Adjourn
Items VI & VII
VI. DiscussionA. Discuss the draft Unified Development Code (UDC). - Michael Shirley,
Director of Development Services
VII. Adjourn
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