October 8, 2020 City Council Meeting
Items I & II - I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
Items I & II
I. Call to OrderII. Roll Call
Item IV - Presentation Item
Presentation of a Proclamation designating October 4-10, 2020 as Fire
Prevention week in the City of Longview – Dr. Andy Mack, Mayor.
Item IV
Presentation ItemPresentation of a Proclamation designating October 4-10, 2020 as Fire
Prevention week in the City of Longview – Dr. Andy Mack, Mayor.
Consent Agenda - A. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of a pot hole patcher via the city’s purchasing agreement with
the local government purchasing cooperative administered by the Texas
Association of School Boards (“TASB Buyboard”) for an amount not to
exceed $68,105.00 – Dwayne Archer, Assistant Director of Public Works.
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of a excavator via the city’s purchasing agreement with the
local government purchasing cooperative administered by the Texas
Association of School Boards (“TASB Buyboard”) for an amount not to
exceed $295,000.00– Dwayne Archer, Assistant Director of Public Works
C. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of two (2) backhoe loaders via the city’s purchasing agreement
with the local government purchasing cooperative administered by the
Texas Association of School Boards (“TASB Buyboard”) for an amount
not to exceed $191,700.00– Dwayne Archer, Assistant Director of Public
D. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of a ten (10) police pursuit vehicles via the city’s purchasing
agreement with the local government purchasing cooperative
administered by the Texas Association of School Boards (“TASB
Buyboard”) for an amount not to exceed $339,200.00– Dwayne Archer,
Assistant Director of Public Works.
E. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of a refuse truck via the city’s purchasing agreement with the
local government purchasing cooperative administered by the Texas
Association of School Boards (“TASB Buyboard”) for an amount not to
exceed $105,422.47 – Dwayne Archer, Assistant Director of Public Works.
F. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of a cab tractor via the city’s purchasing agreement with the
purchasing cooperative administered by the Houston-Galveston Area
Council (HGAC) for an amount not to exceed $59,900.00– Dwayne
Archer, Assistant Director of Public Works.
G. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with Central Square Technologies of Lake Mary,
Florida for alarm permit management services – Mike Bishop, Chief of
H. Consider an Ordinance amending and adopting the Personnel Policies
and Procedures Guide of the City of Longview – Mary Ann Miller, Director
of Administration.
I. Consider a Resolution authorizing an agreement between the City of
Longview and Gregg County accepting supplemental funds in the amount
of $30,000 from Gregg County for the Longview Public Library for fiscal
year 2020 – 2021 – Jennifer Eldridge, Library Manager.
J. Consider Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City
Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
application, receipt and expenditure of grant funds in the amount of
$13,026.38, for Inter-Library Loan Services from the Texas State Library
and Archives Commission – Jennifer Eldridge, Library Manager.
K. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
application, receipt and expenditure of CARES Cycle 2 grant funds in the
amount of $20,000.00 from the Texas State Library and Archives
Commission for an annual subscription for online tutoring services and a
book Sanitizer– Jennifer Eldridge, Library Manager.
L. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with Pencco, Inc. of San Felipe, Texas for
hydrofluorosilicic acid for the Water Treatment Plant – Rolin McPhee P.E.,
Director of Public Works.
M. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with W. M. Miller Construction Co. Inc. of Judson,
Texas, in the amount of $954,956.90 for the construction of
the Wastewater System Improvements (Berry, 350 Cotton, Ninth &
Village) Project – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works.
N. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
application, receipt, and expenditure of matching grant funds not to
exceed $702,000 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency -
Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works.
O. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager's designee to authorize application, accept and expend
grant funds from the Texas State University, Texas School Safety Center -
Mike Bishop, Police Chief.
Consent Agenda
A. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or theCity Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of a pot hole patcher via the city’s purchasing agreement with
the local government purchasing cooperative administered by the Texas
Association of School Boards (“TASB Buyboard”) for an amount not to
exceed $68,105.00 – Dwayne Archer, Assistant Director of Public Works.
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of a excavator via the city’s purchasing agreement with the
local government purchasing cooperative administered by the Texas
Association of School Boards (“TASB Buyboard”) for an amount not to
exceed $295,000.00– Dwayne Archer, Assistant Director of Public Works
C. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of two (2) backhoe loaders via the city’s purchasing agreement
with the local government purchasing cooperative administered by the
Texas Association of School Boards (“TASB Buyboard”) for an amount
not to exceed $191,700.00– Dwayne Archer, Assistant Director of Public
D. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of a ten (10) police pursuit vehicles via the city’s purchasing
agreement with the local government purchasing cooperative
administered by the Texas Association of School Boards (“TASB
Buyboard”) for an amount not to exceed $339,200.00– Dwayne Archer,
Assistant Director of Public Works.
E. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of a refuse truck via the city’s purchasing agreement with the
local government purchasing cooperative administered by the Texas
Association of School Boards (“TASB Buyboard”) for an amount not to
exceed $105,422.47 – Dwayne Archer, Assistant Director of Public Works.
F. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of a cab tractor via the city’s purchasing agreement with the
purchasing cooperative administered by the Houston-Galveston Area
Council (HGAC) for an amount not to exceed $59,900.00– Dwayne
Archer, Assistant Director of Public Works.
G. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with Central Square Technologies of Lake Mary,
Florida for alarm permit management services – Mike Bishop, Chief of
H. Consider an Ordinance amending and adopting the Personnel Policies
and Procedures Guide of the City of Longview – Mary Ann Miller, Director
of Administration.
I. Consider a Resolution authorizing an agreement between the City of
Longview and Gregg County accepting supplemental funds in the amount
of $30,000 from Gregg County for the Longview Public Library for fiscal
year 2020 – 2021 – Jennifer Eldridge, Library Manager.
J. Consider Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City
Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
application, receipt and expenditure of grant funds in the amount of
$13,026.38, for Inter-Library Loan Services from the Texas State Library
and Archives Commission – Jennifer Eldridge, Library Manager.
K. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
application, receipt and expenditure of CARES Cycle 2 grant funds in the
amount of $20,000.00 from the Texas State Library and Archives
Commission for an annual subscription for online tutoring services and a
book Sanitizer– Jennifer Eldridge, Library Manager.
L. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with Pencco, Inc. of San Felipe, Texas for
hydrofluorosilicic acid for the Water Treatment Plant – Rolin McPhee P.E.,
Director of Public Works.
M. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with W. M. Miller Construction Co. Inc. of Judson,
Texas, in the amount of $954,956.90 for the construction of
the Wastewater System Improvements (Berry, 350 Cotton, Ninth &
Village) Project – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works.
N. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
application, receipt, and expenditure of matching grant funds not to
exceed $702,000 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency -
Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works.
O. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager's designee to authorize application, accept and expend
grant funds from the Texas State University, Texas School Safety Center -
Mike Bishop, Police Chief.
Item VI - Zoning Item
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-08 filed by
Timothy & Brianna Teel requesting a rezone from Planned Development (PD24)
to Heavy Commercial (C-2) Zoning District for approximately 0.489 acres of the
Hamilton McNutt Survey located at 411 N. Spur 63 at the northwest corner of
Joplin Drive and N. Spur 63 – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner.
Item VI
Zoning ItemA PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-08 filed by
Timothy & Brianna Teel requesting a rezone from Planned Development (PD24)
to Heavy Commercial (C-2) Zoning District for approximately 0.489 acres of the
Hamilton McNutt Survey located at 411 N. Spur 63 at the northwest corner of
Joplin Drive and N. Spur 63 – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner.
Item VII A - Consider a Resolution authorizing city staff to acquire fee simple title in
and to certain property described as LT 37 NCB 223, Hamilton McNutt
Survey A-129, designated as parcel 2019-P-012 through eminent domain,
upon the completion and satisfaction of all required prerequisites as is
required to complete the construction of the new Longview Police
Department - Rolin C. McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works.
Item VII A
Consider a Resolution authorizing city staff to acquire fee simple title inand to certain property described as LT 37 NCB 223, Hamilton McNutt
Survey A-129, designated as parcel 2019-P-012 through eminent domain,
upon the completion and satisfaction of all required prerequisites as is
required to complete the construction of the new Longview Police
Department - Rolin C. McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works.
Item VII B - Consider a Resolution authorizing city staff to acquire fee simple title in
and to certain property described as LT 36D, NCB 223, Hamilton McNutt
Survey A-129, City of Longview, Gregg County, Texas designated as
parcel 2019-P-005 through eminent domain, upon the completion and
satisfaction of all required prerequisites as is required to complete the
construction of the new Longview Police Department - Rolin C. McPhee,
P.E., Director of Public Works.
Item VII B
Consider a Resolution authorizing city staff to acquire fee simple title inand to certain property described as LT 36D, NCB 223, Hamilton McNutt
Survey A-129, City of Longview, Gregg County, Texas designated as
parcel 2019-P-005 through eminent domain, upon the completion and
satisfaction of all required prerequisites as is required to complete the
construction of the new Longview Police Department - Rolin C. McPhee,
P.E., Director of Public Works.
Item VII C - Consider a Resolution authorizing city staff to acquire fee simple title in
and to certain property described as LT 50 NCB 223 (W PT LT 50)
Hamilton McNutt Survey A-129, designated as parcel 2019-P-013 through
eminent domain, upon the completion and satisfaction of all required
prerequisites as is required to complete the construction of the new
Longview Police Department - Rolin C. McPhee, P.E., Director of Public
Item VII C
Consider a Resolution authorizing city staff to acquire fee simple title inand to certain property described as LT 50 NCB 223 (W PT LT 50)
Hamilton McNutt Survey A-129, designated as parcel 2019-P-013 through
eminent domain, upon the completion and satisfaction of all required
prerequisites as is required to complete the construction of the new
Longview Police Department - Rolin C. McPhee, P.E., Director of Public
Additional Item - Additional Item
Additional Item
Additional Item»
Items VIII & IX - VIII. Update on COVID 19
IX. Adjourn
Items VIII & IX
VIII. Update on COVID 19IX. Adjourn
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