November 12, 2020 City Council Meeting
Items I & II - I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
(This item was joined in progress)
Items I & II
I. Call to OrderII. Roll Call
(This item was joined in progress)
Item V - Consent Items
A. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with Pyromania Fireworks, LLC of Benton,
Louisiana for July 4th Fireworks Display – Laura Hill, Director of
Community Services.
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of four (4) vehicles for the Fire Department via the city’s
purchasing agreement with the local government purchasing cooperative
administered by the Texas Association of School Boards (“TASB
Buyboard”) for an amount not to exceed $129,659.00 – Dwayne Archer,
Assistant Director of Public Works.
C. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with Cintas Corporation of White Oak, Texas for
uniform rental and lease services – Rolin McPhee, Director of Public
D. Consider a Resolution naming the skatepark Dodson Action Sports
Complex – Scott Caron, Director of Parks and Recreation.
E. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of traffic signal software using the city’s inter-local agreement
with the State of Texas for an amount not to exceed $75,000.00 and
annual maintenance and support in an amount not to exceed $14,000 per
year – Rolin McPhee, Public Works Director.
G. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with to BAR Constructors Inc., of Lancaster, Texas,
in the amount of $2,878,000.00 for the construction of the Grace Creek
Head Works Improvements project – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of
Public Works.
H. Consider a Resolution to apply for, accept and expend grant funds from
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services for a Community Youth Development grant an amount not to exceed $600,000 per year for
five years to be used to support the Partners in Prevention Aspire
Mentoring Program – Holly Fuller, Partners in Prevention Manager.
I. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
receipt and expenditure of Home Depot “Operation Surprize” Grant
Program funds in the amount not to exceed $1,000.00 – J.P. Steelman,
Fire Chief.
Item V
Consent ItemsA. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with Pyromania Fireworks, LLC of Benton,
Louisiana for July 4th Fireworks Display – Laura Hill, Director of
Community Services.
B. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of four (4) vehicles for the Fire Department via the city’s
purchasing agreement with the local government purchasing cooperative
administered by the Texas Association of School Boards (“TASB
Buyboard”) for an amount not to exceed $129,659.00 – Dwayne Archer,
Assistant Director of Public Works.
C. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with Cintas Corporation of White Oak, Texas for
uniform rental and lease services – Rolin McPhee, Director of Public
D. Consider a Resolution naming the skatepark Dodson Action Sports
Complex – Scott Caron, Director of Parks and Recreation.
E. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
purchase of traffic signal software using the city’s inter-local agreement
with the State of Texas for an amount not to exceed $75,000.00 and
annual maintenance and support in an amount not to exceed $14,000 per
year – Rolin McPhee, Public Works Director.
G. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and
directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any
necessary documents with to BAR Constructors Inc., of Lancaster, Texas,
in the amount of $2,878,000.00 for the construction of the Grace Creek
Head Works Improvements project – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of
Public Works.
H. Consider a Resolution to apply for, accept and expend grant funds from
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services for a Community Youth Development grant an amount not to exceed $600,000 per year for
five years to be used to support the Partners in Prevention Aspire
Mentoring Program – Holly Fuller, Partners in Prevention Manager.
I. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the
City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the
receipt and expenditure of Home Depot “Operation Surprize” Grant
Program funds in the amount not to exceed $1,000.00 – J.P. Steelman,
Fire Chief.
Item VI A - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #S20-05 filed by
Chris and Nan Tomboni (Tomboni's Bistro) requesting a Specific Use
Permit (SUP) to allow for a restaurant with private club in General Retail
(GR) Zoning District for approximately 0.899 acres of Abstract 113 J
Jackson Survey Tract 34 Section 1 located at 1811 Judson Road Suite A
– Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner.
Item VI A
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #S20-05 filed byChris and Nan Tomboni (Tomboni's Bistro) requesting a Specific Use
Permit (SUP) to allow for a restaurant with private club in General Retail
(GR) Zoning District for approximately 0.899 acres of Abstract 113 J
Jackson Survey Tract 34 Section 1 located at 1811 Judson Road Suite A
– Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner.
Item VI B - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD20-05 filed
by Andrew Traylor Custom Homes, LLC to rezone approximately 8.208
acres of Abstract 186 D Sanchez Survey Tract 37 Section 6 from Single
Family (SF-4) to Planned Development - Single Family Detached located
on the southside of Fenton Road, east of Brookway Lane – Angela Choy,
AICP, City Planner.
Item VI B
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD20-05 filedby Andrew Traylor Custom Homes, LLC to rezone approximately 8.208
acres of Abstract 186 D Sanchez Survey Tract 37 Section 6 from Single
Family (SF-4) to Planned Development - Single Family Detached located
on the southside of Fenton Road, east of Brookway Lane – Angela Choy,
AICP, City Planner.
Item VI C - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-09 filed by
RSZZ, LLC requesting a rezone from Single Family (SF-4) to General
Retail (GR) Zoning District for approximately 1.217 acres of Abstract 262
A Jordan Survey Tract 3 & 4 Section 4 located at 2003 Alpine Road and
2005 Alpine Road – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner.
Item VI C
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-09 filed byRSZZ, LLC requesting a rezone from Single Family (SF-4) to General
Retail (GR) Zoning District for approximately 1.217 acres of Abstract 262
A Jordan Survey Tract 3 & 4 Section 4 located at 2003 Alpine Road and
2005 Alpine Road – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner.
Item VI D - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-10 filed by
Clint C. Blackman & Assoc Inc. and Chip Chris Investments Inc. and
Simmons Real Estate, LLC requesting a rezone from General Retail (GR)
to Heavy Commercial (C-2) Zoning District for Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, of
Boykin's Addition and approximately 0.918 acres of Abstract 188 F W
Saunders Survey Tract 72 located at 2001 South Eastman Road and 2108
South Eastman Road – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner.
Item VI D
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-10 filed byClint C. Blackman & Assoc Inc. and Chip Chris Investments Inc. and
Simmons Real Estate, LLC requesting a rezone from General Retail (GR)
to Heavy Commercial (C-2) Zoning District for Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, of
Boykin's Addition and approximately 0.918 acres of Abstract 188 F W
Saunders Survey Tract 72 located at 2001 South Eastman Road and 2108
South Eastman Road – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner.
Item VI E - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider a request filed by LEDCO to
abandon a 20 foot alley right-of-way consisting of 0.124 acres located
between Lots 1-10, NCB 88 as shown on the new Map of the City of
Longview east of Second Street, west of Third Street, north of Whaley
Street and south of Magrill Street – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner.
Item VI E
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider a request filed by LEDCO toabandon a 20 foot alley right-of-way consisting of 0.124 acres located
between Lots 1-10, NCB 88 as shown on the new Map of the City of
Longview east of Second Street, west of Third Street, north of Whaley
Street and south of Magrill Street – Angela Choy, AICP, City Planner.
Item VII A - Consider a Resolution suspending SWEPCO’s proposed effective date
related to its statement of intent to increase rates submitted to the City of
Longview on about October 13, 2020 – Jim Finley, City Attorney.
Item VII A
Consider a Resolution suspending SWEPCO’s proposed effective daterelated to its statement of intent to increase rates submitted to the City of
Longview on about October 13, 2020 – Jim Finley, City Attorney.
Item VII B - Consider #M20-01 an Ordinance adopting the Unified Development Code
Item VII B
Consider #M20-01 an Ordinance adopting the Unified Development Code– Freese and Nichols. THIS ITEM REQUIRES A PUBLIC HEARING
Items VIII & IX - VIII. Items of Community Interest and Update on COVID 19
IX. Adjourn
Items VIII & IX
VIII. Items of Community Interest and Update on COVID 19IX. Adjourn
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