November 17, 2020 Planning & Zoning
Call to Order - I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
Call to Order
I. Call to OrderII. Roll Call
Item III - Approval of October 20, 2020 P&Z Minutes
Item III
Approval of October 20, 2020 P&Z Minutes»
Consent Agenda - A. CONSIDER application #P20-11 Bass Subdivision filed by Calvin Bass, ET UX
to plat approximately 9.445 (0.452 of this will be dedicated) acres of Bass
Subdivision into two lots located on the east side of Brent Road and north
Harley Ridge Road at 3200 Brent Road.
Consent Agenda
A. CONSIDER application #P20-11 Bass Subdivision filed by Calvin Bass, ET UXto plat approximately 9.445 (0.452 of this will be dedicated) acres of Bass
Subdivision into two lots located on the east side of Brent Road and north
Harley Ridge Road at 3200 Brent Road.
Item VI A - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-11 filed by
Boxwood Group LLC requesting a rezone from Office (O) to Single Family (SF-
4) Zoning District for Lots 8 through 22 and common area park of Lost Creek
Business Park Unit 3 located on the east side of Technology Center.
Item VI A
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z20-11 filed byBoxwood Group LLC requesting a rezone from Office (O) to Single Family (SF-
4) Zoning District for Lots 8 through 22 and common area park of Lost Creek
Business Park Unit 3 located on the east side of Technology Center.
Item VI B - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #S20-01 filed by
Verizon Wireless requesting a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a radio and
television or microwave tower (cell tower) in Neighborhood Services (NS)
Zoning District located at 3008 Gilmer Road (AB 177 WM Robinson Survey
Tract 3 Section 3).
Item VI B
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #S20-01 filed byVerizon Wireless requesting a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a radio and
television or microwave tower (cell tower) in Neighborhood Services (NS)
Zoning District located at 3008 Gilmer Road (AB 177 WM Robinson Survey
Tract 3 Section 3).
Item VI C - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #S20-06 filed by
Robert Wayne King requesting a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a
restaurant with private club in General Retail (GR) Zoning District for Lot 7,
Block A Longview Towne Crossing located at 3090 Eastman Road.
Item VI C
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #S20-06 filed byRobert Wayne King requesting a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a
restaurant with private club in General Retail (GR) Zoning District for Lot 7,
Block A Longview Towne Crossing located at 3090 Eastman Road.
Items VII & VIII - VII. Staff Update
A. Provide update of City Council action on previous zoning items.
VIII. Adjourn
Items VII & VIII
VII. Staff UpdateA. Provide update of City Council action on previous zoning items.
VIII. Adjourn
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