December 11, 2014 City Council Meeting
Call to Order - I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
I. Call to OrderII. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Item IV - Citizen Comment
Item IV
Citizen Comment»
Item V - Presentation Item
Presentation of the final plans for the Longview Animal Shelter – Brent Brevard, City Architect.
Item V
Presentation ItemPresentation of the final plans for the Longview Animal Shelter – Brent Brevard, City Architect.
Consent Agenda - A. Consider an Ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015 General Fund budget in the amount of $151,500.00 providing funding for purchase of 1.4 acres of land for the future use of the City of Longview’s Fire Department – David Willard, City Manager. Pages 5 - 8
B. Consider an Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed of trust for the property located at 902 Pacific Avenue as security for a grant from the State of Texas for the construction of renovations to Longview Transit’s Multimodal Center, including but not limited to construction of a new driveway entry and parking lot for said Multimodal Center and demolition of certain structures in association with same – Keith Bonds, Assistant City Manager. Pages 9 - 12
C. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents with Longview Officials Association of Longview, Texas for sports officials management services for the Parks Department – Laura Hill, Director of Community Services. Pages 13 - 16
D. Consider a Resolution accepting the 2014 H.M.A.C. Hot In Place Recycling Project and authorizing final payment in the amount of $17,745.34 to Cutler Repaving, Inc. of Lawrence, Kansas – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works. Pages 17 - 20
E. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the application, receipt and expenditure of grant funding from the Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (LEOSE) in the amount of $1,357.94 for the purpose of continuing education for law enforcement support personnel of the Longview Fire Department – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief. Pages 21 - 24
F. Consider a Resolution rejecting the bid of Goddard Enterprises of Edmond, Oklahoma and awarding a contract to and authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents with DFW Communications of Arlington, Texas for early warning siren service and maintenance – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief. Pages 25 - 29
G. Consider a Resolution authorizing the Longview Police Department to apply for and accept a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Texas Department of Transportation Comprehensive STEP program for the Fiscal Year 2015 - 2016, and authorizing and directing the Chief of Police or his designee to execute any necessary documents incident to applying for and securing and expending said grant – Don Dingler, Police Chief. Pages 30 - 33
H. Consider approval of the following minutes: November 13, 2014 – Shelly Ballenger, City Secretary. Page 34
Consent Agenda
A. Consider an Ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015 General Fund budget in the amount of $151,500.00 providing funding for purchase of 1.4 acres of land for the future use of the City of Longview’s Fire Department – David Willard, City Manager. Pages 5 - 8B. Consider an Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed of trust for the property located at 902 Pacific Avenue as security for a grant from the State of Texas for the construction of renovations to Longview Transit’s Multimodal Center, including but not limited to construction of a new driveway entry and parking lot for said Multimodal Center and demolition of certain structures in association with same – Keith Bonds, Assistant City Manager. Pages 9 - 12
C. Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to and authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents with Longview Officials Association of Longview, Texas for sports officials management services for the Parks Department – Laura Hill, Director of Community Services. Pages 13 - 16
D. Consider a Resolution accepting the 2014 H.M.A.C. Hot In Place Recycling Project and authorizing final payment in the amount of $17,745.34 to Cutler Repaving, Inc. of Lawrence, Kansas – Rolin McPhee, P.E., Director of Public Works. Pages 17 - 20
E. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the application, receipt and expenditure of grant funding from the Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (LEOSE) in the amount of $1,357.94 for the purpose of continuing education for law enforcement support personnel of the Longview Fire Department – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief. Pages 21 - 24
F. Consider a Resolution rejecting the bid of Goddard Enterprises of Edmond, Oklahoma and awarding a contract to and authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents with DFW Communications of Arlington, Texas for early warning siren service and maintenance – J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief. Pages 25 - 29
G. Consider a Resolution authorizing the Longview Police Department to apply for and accept a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Texas Department of Transportation Comprehensive STEP program for the Fiscal Year 2015 - 2016, and authorizing and directing the Chief of Police or his designee to execute any necessary documents incident to applying for and securing and expending said grant – Don Dingler, Police Chief. Pages 30 - 33
H. Consider approval of the following minutes: November 13, 2014 – Shelly Ballenger, City Secretary. Page 34
Item VII A - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-06 filed by Fred Hakim requesting a rezone from Agricultural (A) to Planned Development Single Family Attached for approximately 1.315 acres of the D. Sanchez Survey A-186 located on the south side of Gregg Tex Road and west of Gilmer Road – Angela Choy, Interim City Planner. THIS ITEM REQUIRES A PUBLIC HEARING. Pages 35 - 46
Item VII A
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #PD14-06 filed by Fred Hakim requesting a rezone from Agricultural (A) to Planned Development Single Family Attached for approximately 1.315 acres of the D. Sanchez Survey A-186 located on the south side of Gregg Tex Road and west of Gilmer Road – Angela Choy, Interim City Planner. THIS ITEM REQUIRES A PUBLIC HEARING. Pages 35 - 46»
Item VII B - A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z14-13 filed by Norris-Brantley, Inc. dba Skinner's 2 requesting a rezone from Agricultural (A) to General Retail (GR) for approximately 3.12 acres of Abstract 92 G W Hooper Survey Tract 63, Section 4 & Section 63-01 located at 4825 Pine Tree Road – Angela Choy, Interim City Planner. THIS ITEM REQUIRES A PUBLIC HEARING. Pages 47 - 56
Item VII B
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to consider application #Z14-13 filed by Norris-Brantley, Inc. dba Skinner's 2 requesting a rezone from Agricultural (A) to General Retail (GR) for approximately 3.12 acres of Abstract 92 G W Hooper Survey Tract 63, Section 4 & Section 63-01 located at 4825 Pine Tree Road – Angela Choy, Interim City Planner. THIS ITEM REQUIRES A PUBLIC HEARING. Pages 47 - 56»
Items VIII & IX A - VIII. Public Hearing Item
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held to receive citizen input on the Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015 Annual Housing Plan and the accompanying policy documents – Martell Armstrong, Housing Manager. THIS ITEM REQUIRES A PUBLIC HEARING. Page 57
IX. Action Items
A. Consider a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Longview, Texas, approving the Five Year Consolidated Plan and Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015 Annual Housing Plan – Martell Armstrong, Housing Manager.
Pages 58 - 60
Items VIII & IX A
VIII. Public Hearing ItemA PUBLIC HEARING will be held to receive citizen input on the Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015 Annual Housing Plan and the accompanying policy documents – Martell Armstrong, Housing Manager. THIS ITEM REQUIRES A PUBLIC HEARING. Page 57
IX. Action Items
A. Consider a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Longview, Texas, approving the Five Year Consolidated Plan and Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015 Annual Housing Plan – Martell Armstrong, Housing Manager.
Pages 58 - 60
Item IX B - Consider an Ordinance approving the City Manager’s Recommendation regarding the creation of the Director of Parks and Recreation position – Keith Bonds, Assistant City Manager. Pages 61 – 63
Item IX B
Consider an Ordinance approving the City Manager’s Recommendation regarding the creation of the Director of Parks and Recreation position – Keith Bonds, Assistant City Manager. Pages 61 – 63»
Items IX C & D - C. Consider an Ordinance amending the budget for the Fiscal Year 2014 -2015 in the amount of $680,000.00 for a fire engine – David Willard, City Manager and J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief. Pages 64 - 66
D. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the purchase of a fire engine via the city’s purchasing agreement with the Houston - Galveston Area Council contract for an amount not to exceed $680,000.00 – David Willard, City Manager and J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief. Pages 67 - 70
Items IX C & D
C. Consider an Ordinance amending the budget for the Fiscal Year 2014 -2015 in the amount of $680,000.00 for a fire engine – David Willard, City Manager and J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief. Pages 64 - 66D. Consider a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any necessary documents for the purchase of a fire engine via the city’s purchasing agreement with the Houston - Galveston Area Council contract for an amount not to exceed $680,000.00 – David Willard, City Manager and J.P. Steelman, Fire Chief. Pages 67 - 70
Item X - Items of Community Interest
Item X
Items of Community Interest»
Items XI & XII - XI. Executive Session Item
Consultation with the City’s Attorney(s)---Under TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE Section 551.071.
Receive legal advice from the City’s attorney(s) concerning legal issues and discuss the city's legal options regarding the holdover of the tenant at 902 and/or 904 Pacific Avenue.
XII. Adjourn
Items XI & XII
XI. Executive Session ItemConsultation with the City’s Attorney(s)---Under TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE Section 551.071.
Receive legal advice from the City’s attorney(s) concerning legal issues and discuss the city's legal options regarding the holdover of the tenant at 902 and/or 904 Pacific Avenue.
XII. Adjourn
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